2011-03-19 Akayume: I blocked out what it was, in case anyone wanted a challenge and was curious. :P[Akayume]: 202.March Madness 2011.Day Six - Why I think I See A
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It is blue and it is cool to the touch and it is….
Not blue.
Not quite.
There is more to it than the blue,
Or the green that is peeping through the specks of blue.
It fits squarely in the palm of my hand,
Whispering to me, asking me to let go.
To let it roll, to let the smooth blue release from my hand,
To whisper to the sand-circle, or to the pavement.
Which is not blue.
Not like the sky, or the green grass, or this.
This, this is cool to the touch.
And blue and green and whatever else I imagine.
A Marble